Realizing the six goals of the Safely Home Campaign requires a community effort.
The Safely Home Campaign is a collaborative movement that will achieve its goals with the help of its partners. If your agency or organization supports the six goals of the Safely Home Campaign, please submit your name and contact information.
We will include your name in our list of partners on the Campaign’s website and sign you up for our newsletter unless you indicate otherwise.
We are seeking partners for the following:
- to embrace the principles embodied in the six Campaign goals.
- to become Safely Home Campaign social media ambassadors and share information through your networks.
- to contribute to our blog (if you wish), writing on issues related to our Campaign goals and your organizational goals
- contribute to our Resources where we share information on relevant subject areas
- as needed or desired, create joint fact sheets / white papers on issues related to the Campaign goals and the partners' constituency
- help us build out the "Youth Solutions" section of the Safely Home Campaign website